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A Wonder Drug for Hepatitis C with 96-100% Cure Rate

By November 3, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Here's a great revelation for hepatitis C patients. A wonder drug is come to cure hepatitis C in three months at less cost. It's called Harvoni.

Hepatitis C is a disease that progresses without subjective symptoms, that is without you being aware of it being there, and can develop cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early detection and removal of virus are the keys to combating this disease. Now a new drug was approved in July 2015 to help cure the disease without heavily burdening the patients.

There are said to be two million hepatitis C virus carriers in Japan. Director Masashi Mizoue of  the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, an expert on immunization study, says to Nikkei Shimbun:

"This virus does not infect unless needled into the skin or through surgical treatment. It's a so-called iatrogenic disease".

As western medicine was introduced and surgical treatment and vaccination practiced, the virus spread. Injection of a stimulant Philopon (methamphetamine) and buying blood in post-war years further accelerated the trend.

In1987, following the introduction of the antibody test, infected blood was banned.

In 1992, interferon injection started, but no apparent results were recorded. Viruses come in different types and 70% of the Japanese patients were of 1b type on which interferon was less effective.

In 2004, a new interferon with fewer side effects Peginterferon and an oral medicine called Ribavirin were used in a combined therapy but with little dramatic effects (50% on 1b).

Then emerged this new wonder drug "Harvoni" which combines Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir. The medicine marked a dramatic high cure rate of 96-100% either endorsed singly or in combination with others.

With effect from August 31, 2015, Harvoni is made eligible for subsidies.  The drug only costs 10-20 thousand yen per month, taken a pill a day. 

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