Japan's Paper Diapers Booming in Indonesia
You never know what sells well where. Japanese paper diapers are selling like pancakes in Indonesia - as a matter of fact all over the world. Child-rearing mothers can't go without diapers and it so happens that Japanese paper diapers meet their requirements.
Paper for a diaper is quite an idea to begin with. The most "leaky" material of all is made into a least-leaking diaper - that's a technology alright. You should realize by now that Japan is genuinely versatile at that.
You should also realize in passing that Japan is not selling automobiles, bikes, electric appliance and such alone. Japan is developing a hopeful market for paper diapers.
Last year, toward the year end, Japan's paper mammoths, Oji, Daiou, Toray, Daiwabo and such, invested in Indonesia targeting the paper diaper market in that country.
Local papers, BeritaSatu and Nuraca, report that Oji and Indofood CBP set up a joint venture, 33-67%, last December to handle both distribution (33-67%) and production (49-51%).
Uni-Charm is leading the market at this stage with their "MamyPoko" virtually dominating (65%) the store shelves. President Takehisa Takahara of Uni-Charm commented in an interview by the Compass:
"Indonesian mothers are not yet used to using paper diapers in large quantities. Only 60% have tried it, of whom only 30 % or so are in the habit of changing diapers everyday.
"Most mothers use paper diapers only when they go out or put their babies to sleep. In terms of volume, Indonesian mothers use 2-3 a day while Japanese mothers 8-10. Japan and China are battling for shares in a limited market yet."
Yet, there is no doubt that the paper diaper market iwill grow fast in Indonesia. It's ony rich mothers that can afford 8-10 diapers a day but, the way Indonesia's economy is going and the diapers suppliers spurring their business efforts, the market could explode, because - babies can't go without diapers.
That will be the day Japan's super paper diaper technology counts. (Nathan Shiga)