About Us

Zaikeinews.com, managed by Zaikei Shimbun, delivers the latest news on Japan to global readers who are interested in Japan.

Zaikeinews.com has offices both in New York and Tokyo and covers various fields including politics, business, society, entertainment and sports.

Zaikeinews.com connects Japanese people who are in Japan and abroad, promotes discussions about how Japan could better contribute to the world with leadership. At the same time, Zaieinews.com aims to provide a better understanding of Japan and become the platform to unite people in Japan and in the world.

Our wirters

Nathan Shiga: n.shiga@zaikeinews.com

Ana Edmond: a.edmond@zaikeinews.com

Takeshi Sakamoto: t.sakamoto@zaikeinews.com

Ken Sato: k.sato@zaikeinews.com